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geostrophic wind中文是什么意思

用"geostrophic wind"造句"geostrophic wind"怎么读"geostrophic wind" in a sentence


  • 地转风。


  • The variations of sea ice in the arctic ocean are simulated by using a improved high resolution hibler dynamic - thermodynamic sea ice model during 1979 - 1998 . the model is driven by surface atmospheric and oceanic forcing consists of geostrophic winds , surface air temperature , specific humidity , and longwave and shortwave radiative fluxes provided by international arctic buoy program ( iabp ) . the simulated results show that arctic sea ice have noticeable seasonal and annual variability
    利用一个hibler海冰热动力模式,在改进了其热力部分和改变模拟范围以及提高分辨率的基础上,以北极国际浮标计划( iabp )提供的1979 - 1998年间逐日变化的日平均海平面气温场,湿度场,长短波辐射场,风场,洋流场,海洋热流量场为强迫场,模拟了上述20年间北极海冰的时空演变。
用"geostrophic wind"造句  


The geostrophic wind ( or ) is the theoretical wind that would result from an exact balance between the Coriolis effect and the pressure gradient force. This condition is called geostrophic balance.
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